
Our Business loan is a short to medium term credit facility to provide finance to institutions and corporate businesses for business continuity.

Loan Amount

  • Minimum Requirement; 100m
  • Maximum Requirement; determined by customers repayment capacity.

Repayment Mode

Monthly and quarterly depending on a client’s business cash flow cycle

Repayment Period

Maximum:  3 years.

Benefits of a Business Loan

  • Access to flexible business finance.
  • Flexibility in security requirement.
  • Flexible repayment period.

What you need to get a Business Loan

  • Two passport size photographs.
  • Valid Identification of business owner(s)
  • CRB card.
  • Valid business trading license.
  • Bank Statement for at least 12 months.
  • Proof of residential address.
  • TIN number.
  • Trading license.
  • Copy of valuation report.
  • Spousal consent where applicable.
  • Audited books of account.