agri-business loan

Agri-Business Loans

Short to medium term product designed to provide finance for purchase of agricultural equipment and machinery.

What we can finance

  • Harvesters
  • Hatchery
  • Tractors
  • Ploughs and accessories
  • Post-harvest handling equipment
  • Irrigation Equipment
agri-business loan

How you benefit from this product

  • Affordable interest rates
  • Flexible repayment plans structured to accommodate activity seasonality
  • Facilitates farmers to increase their production and therefore get more income
  • Flexible loan repayment period

How to get started with this product

  • Identifiable by means of serial numbers, engine numbers, make, model, etc
  • Purchased from a reputable dealer
  • Moveable and be able to be repossessed
  • The asset must be unencumbered (that is, free and clear of any other claims / prior liens)
  • Borrower Contribution: Depends on the age of the equipment as follows: 1 – 5 yrs 10 – 25% 5 – 8 yrs 25 – 40% 8+ yrs 40% and above
  • Minimum loan amount: UGX 5,000,000 (Uganda Shillings Five million) Disbursement: funds released to equipment vendor upon presentation of verifiable vendor. Payment period: depending on age of machine as follows: 1 – 5 yrs (48 months repayment period)